DECLARE l_timestamp TIMESTAMP := '2011-08-01'; l_increment PLS_INTEGER := SUBSTR ('10x10=100', 4, '2'); BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( TO_DATE (l_timestamp) + (l_increment || 0)); END; /We scored 8 as the correct answer. Two players wrote with the following observations:
1. The strange thing here is the fact that over the different versions, Oracle has changed the overloadings of PUT_LINE in the DBMS_OUTPUT package. Specifically, in Oracle there were 3 overloads, for VARCHAR2, NUMBER and DATE. This was even explicitly mentioned in the following: In Oracle, there remained only two overloads, for VARCHAR2 and NUMBER. In Oracle 10g and higher there remained only a single overload, for VARCHAR2. Why did Oracle do this ? Just for introducing an additional implicit conversion ? I even remember a version where using DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( a_number ) used to fail, and you had to use an explicit DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( TO_CHAR(a_number) ). In the older versions, when the overloads exist, the argument passed was indeed stored in the DBMS_OUTPUT buffer in its native data type, and only converted to a string when retrieved for display (ex. by SQL*PLUS ). This one is probably the one that many players have missed ... In fact, we use this "bad practice" day by day in the quiz, DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line is the top star of each pl/sql block ... Does anybody think that we should change this ? I would hardly believe it ...
By the way, enabling the PLSQL_WARNINGS do NOT produce any warnings for any of these 8 implicit conversions, strange by itself ... ( tested in Oracle ).
Anyway, this quiz was a too high price payed for a small issue ... Like in the last playoff, 0 or 7 versus the correct 8 were scored the same :( :( ... which is not completely right in my opinion, because here recognizing each implicit conversion by itself has its own value as "piece of knowledge", and cannot/should not be completely cancelled ... Specifically for such "total" quizzes, better than making them single choice is to allow for different choices with different "weights" (and scoring), that would reflect knowledge more accurately.
2. I think there may be two additional implicit conversions that are taking place, revolving around the Date + Number in the dbms_output.put_line statement. Although it is often said that dates are internally stored in a numeric format, it is not the same format as a numeric datatype (See reference to Concepts manual). In addition, although the (+) operation can be used with date variables, the actual (+) operation only takes place with numeric datatypes or any datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype (see reference SQL Reference manual). Thus, to perform the operation Date + Number, Oracle is internally converting the Date to a number, performing the addition operation, and then converting the result back to a Date. This implicit conversion is different from the others referenced in the question, as there is no (to_xxx) operation that can explicitly perform this operation; it is all done internally to perform (+) operations with Date datatypes. Thus, the total number of implicit conversions for the block of code is 10.
From 10.2 Concepts Manual Chapter 26 "Oracle stores numeric data in variable-length format. Each value is stored in scientific notation, with 1 byte used to store the exponent and up to 20 bytes to store the mantissa. The resulting value is limited to 38 digits of precision." "Date data is stored in fixed-length fields of seven bytes each, corresponding to century, year, month, day, hour, minute, and second." From 10.2 SQL Reference Chapter 4, page 3. "You can use an arithmetic operator with one or two arguments to negate, add, subtract, multiply, and divide numeric values. Some of these operators are also used in datetime and interval arithmetic. The arguments to the operator must resolve to numeric datatypes or to any datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype."
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