12 October 2010

Steven is humbled; 2nd adjustment for 11 October is made (1504)

I feel that, generally, I am pretty good at admitting that I am wrong. But for some reason, when it came to the 11 October quiz, I didn't want to admit that "see -100" was ambiguous, when combined with the actual output of the quiz, which displayed -100 twice. In any case, I have been humbled by the many comments on the previous post for this quiz. There is no doubt how many of you feel. I am not running the PL/SQL Challenge to show how right I can be, no matter what anyone else thinks. I am spending lots of my "spare" time on the PL/SQL Challenge to give you an opportunity to learn about and enjoy the PL/SQL language. So....with all my thanks and apologies, I will change the text of this quiz so that "-100" will only be displayed once. I will give everyone credit for a correct selection of the two choices that contain forward references for proc2, and I will recalculate scores. Then I will finish preparation for the Q3 championship playoff! Thanks to all of you for caring enough about the PL/SQL Challenge and your rank to make your views known. Regards, Steven


  1. Steven

    did you mean to give a credit to players who did not select any choice as correct, did you?


  2. I can't do this part way. If you did NOT select the two forward references to proc2, you get "extra credit," no matter what you answered for the other choices.

  3. Ok. I still don't understand it but I trust you that you know what you are doing :))

    I can already see some changes in ranking.. :)


  4. Steven

    Being one of those who deliberately didn't check any of the answers after getting suspicious about the -100 appearing twice, I must admit I'm relieved to discover about your 2nd adjustment. Thx!


  5. "Humble??" Steven??? Must have been a transitory anomaly. :-) Steven, your projected self-assurance is exactly why I like you so much. That and your willingness to back up and clarify things when they go wrong. We could all learn from your methods.

    I really appreciate your willingess to share your knowledge and to put up with our stuff around "The Quiz". "The Quiz" is definitely the high-light of my work days.

  6. Sorry, this quiz becomes more a conquest in English. If was fun but now it's not.
    Thank you for the past
    I'm out

  7. I completely mis-read today's quiz for October 12th, and looking at the average score, I am assuming everyone else did too. I thought all the choices referred to an empty table/array, even though in retrospect you clearly say otherwise. Live and learn, I guess.

  8. Yes, the quiz would be much more clear if a comment like /* some operations on the l_table here */ will be present in the block.

  9. @alc, you're not the only one :) I missed the bit that said "regardless of the array contents"...
