10 June 2011

Enhanced adjustment feature implemented

Sometimes you may find that your time to answer a quiz is very high (thousands of seconds, for example). This an happen when you start a quiz, but are interrupted, and do not submit till much later. Or you may start a quiz, lose your connection, and then come back later to finish (a "double visit"). In both cases, you end up with a answer time that distorts your performance statistics.

Even if you are not competing for a top spot, it can be a bit embarrassing to show your time to answer quizzes in the 10s of thousands of seconds while others are at 2500. 

You can request "forgiveness" for up to five excessive answer times, per quarter (previously you could only request an adjustment for a double visit).

To do this, take the following steps:

1.Visit your Account (link in upper right of site), then drill down to Quizzes Taken (at bottom of Account main menu page).

2. Check the box next to the quizzes you want to adjust, and press the "Adjust Answer Time" button. For double visits, we will change your answer time to the last visit/submit time. For long answer times (and a single visit), your answer time will be reduced to ten minutes.

Note that the impact of your adjustment will not be instantly visible on the page or in rankings. That will happen by the following day, after materialized views are refreshed.

We hope this helps improve your experience at and satisfaction with the PL/SQL Challenge.


  1. Great!

    I work over a remote connection and it's not very stable, so sometimes the pc hangs and my time is twice more than it should be, but no double visit.
    I hope people are not going to overabuse the feature if they just being slow.

    Anna O

  2. Well, there is brake on how much anyone can use this feature (5 times per quarter) and the lowest their time is reduced to is 10 minutes, which is not going to put them into competition with those who are hoping to qualify for the playoffs.

    So I am hoping it will work out all right.

    Thanks, SF
